For Jeev Aashraya Membership Please Fill This Form CLICK HERE :-  Jeev Aashraya MEMBERSHIP Form  जीव आश्रय की MEMBERSHIP लेकर आप उन तमाम ANIMALS की जान बचा सकतें हैं जो भोजन, चिकित्सा, दुर्घटना आदि के अभाव से दम तोड़ देते हैं


Refund policy

  1. Donations once made cannot be refunded to the donor.
  2. All donations will be considered as being made towards the cause of animal welfare and not towards a specific rescue case.
  3. Donations made will not be treated as collateral towards a binding or mandatory treatment of an animal by the ngo or hospital medical team.
  4. The donor agrees and confirms that he firmly trusts that his/her donation will be utilised by the ngo towards animal welfare only and not for selfish gains.
  5. Donations made to the ngo through channels or methods other than those specified or declared by the ngo will not be considered as donations and the ngo cannot be held liable for such accidental donations.
  6. The ngo will give a receipt of donation to the donor. The receipt can be provided by the authorised representative of the ngo or by official online means. Any other sort of verbal assurance will be treated as null and void and it is the responsibility of the donor to confirm the correctness of the method he intends to use for making the donation.