For Jeev Aashraya Membership Please Fill This Form CLICK HERE :-  Jeev Aashraya MEMBERSHIP Form  जीव आश्रय की MEMBERSHIP लेकर आप उन तमाम ANIMALS की जान बचा सकतें हैं जो भोजन, चिकित्सा, दुर्घटना आदि के अभाव से दम तोड़ देते हैं


Terms and conditions :

**For on-site treatment cases:

  1. The caller will have to register the case with us either by calling on the helpline number or by self registering online and will be alloted a medical team for the treatment of the animal. 2. The caller agrees that he/she must be present in close vicinity of the animal who needs treatment. The medical team shall not be liable to revisit the case if the animal is not found at the given location.
  2. Any donation made before, during or after the case has been resolved will be considered as general donation to the ngo in favour of animal welfare and not specifically for the treatment of the animal to be treated by the medical team.
  3. The alloted team might get delayed or might have to postpone the case due to factors out of its control such as heavy traffic situation, urgent or emergency high priority case, government restrictions on travel, non availability of resources such as medicines and staff etc. The caller cannot blame the ngo for not resolving the case in such circumstances.
  4. Simply registering the case does not guarantee that treatment will be provided. However, since the ngo is extremely dedicated to the cause of animal welfare and doesn't believe in selfish practices, it will put in its best efforts to resolve the case.
  5. The treatment of the animal is done by the medical team in consultation and under the guidance of registered veterinary practitioners. The team shall give in its best to resolve the case successfully.However, the caller agrees that thr team cannot guarantee that the animal will not feel pain during the treatment or not die in the process.
  6. The medical team will only treat the animal at the given location. The medical condition of the animal is evaluated and admission to hospital is decided upon by the ngo management basis availability of resources and this medical condition. The caller agrees that the medical team will not be forced upon for admission of the animal into the hospital.

Terms and conditions for cases where an animal is admitted into the ngo hospital :

  1. The person requesting for admission of the injured animal into hospital agrees to provide his basic details and identity to the hospital management and must register the case with the ngo.
  2. Once admitted, the animal is under the custody of the hospital management and the rescue caller has no right over the animal.
  3. The ngo reserves the right to deny admission into the hospital subject to conditions such as lack of resources etc. Each case will be evaluated by the hospital medical team and a decision will be taken if the animal needs to be admitted. The caller cannot force his decision upon the hospital or the ngo management.
  4. Any donation made by the caller to the ngo at the time when the animal is admitted or being treated at the hospital will be treated as donation towards the cause of animal welfare and not specifically towards the treatment of that animal. The caller agrees that the hospital or the ngo management cannot be forced to amend their medical treatment and decisions on the pretext of that donation.
  5. In most cases, unless decided by the mangement to do otherwise, the animal being treated will be constantly evaluated by the medical practitioners. Upon noticing satisfactory condition, the animal shall be released back into its orginal safe location by the ngo. The caller cannot force upon the ngo to keep the animal under unnecessary further observation and treatment.
  6. The treatment of the animal is done by the ngo medical team in constant consultation with registered veterinary practitioners and will give in its best efforts to resolve the case. However, the caller agrees that the team cannot be held liable if the animal feels pain during the treatment or passes away in the process.
  7. The caller agrees that the animal being admitted is not owned by him/her legally. The hospital will treat only animals which are homeless and without legal guardians.